Monday, April 21, 2014

Back to the beauty of things

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So, I decided to do a post for skin care today (gotta try to get back into the fashion posts).

One of my new favorite products I've been using is the Himalaya Herbarls: Purifying Neem Pack (for Normal to Oily Skin). My mother had bought this for me after she had seen it on Dr. Oz's show (she's absolutely obsessed with his advice). At first, I did not enjoy using it that much because I normally don't like putting any type of masks on my face. However, my skin in the past month or two has started to get really irritated due to all the stress and "mother nature" comings.

This fabulous purifying pack is made from all natural ingredients, including Neem and Tumeric. If you're wondering what Neem is, it is a type of vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of the neem (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent (yes, I did get that from Wikipedia..don't judge!). It is most commonly used in India for treatment of acne, as well as other cosmetic uses. In some cases, it is used to help skin diseases and other illnesses.

But enough about that, let's get to the good stuff! So, I've been using this treatment on my face 3 times a week for the past 4 weeks, and it has done wonders. My left side of my face has cleared up and my right side is looking a lot better. For some odd reason, my right side of my face tends to get more acne and scarring than any other part. This purifying pack has really helped my skin a lot, along with other remedies I will post about later!

Let's get to the steps:

1. Make sure that your face is clean and clear. You can use your regular face wash to get off all the make up. I've noticed that make up removers don't get every spot of make up off, so always make sure to go over your face with a clean cotton ball to see if any make up is still on there.

2. Apply evenly over face (and neck if wanted) and allow to dry between 10-15 minutes (I had WAY to much fun with taking photos as you can tell)
*may cause a tingling sensation due to the herbal active ingredients, which is normal

3. Remove with a wet sponge or wash cloth with cool water (I look weird....)

4. TA-DAH, clean face (Sorry guys, still self conscious about being public with no makeup! Eventually I'll smile!)

5. And of course, always moisturize your face after using products like a mask. These type of products dry out your face. This moisturizer is amazing not only because it's all natural, but you don't even need to use that much! (Which is a good sign for picking out moisturizers)

It may take some time for you to see results, mind you everyone is different. 

REMEMBER: I am not a professional on skin care products, I am only promoting it because it has helped me out. Make sure to talk to your doctor or a specialist before using this product (if you feel necessary). 

Hope you guys enjoyed my little "tutorial"/info post! :) xxx

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