Monday, February 24, 2014


I know I know! I've been M.I.A for a long while now! But school has been super busy and my life is just crazy right now.

But to give a QUICK update: there are two cute boys in my classes (I know I would put that first), I'm getting back into photography and my nature side, planning on going on a fruit/veggie type diet, got to see YOUNG THE GIANT in concert, going to Free Press Summer Fest with my baby girl from my old job, FINALLY applying for jobs (Chicago might be a winner!), and I'm finally making more friends...which would happen in my last semester!!

Okay, I know that photo of me is WAY over edited... but I still like it because my hair looks nice. ha! I'm just in a happy mood right now!

Goodnight lovelies. I'll give you a full update Thursday after my exam.

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

You're breaking up with me because I'm too....blonde?

A famous quote from "Legally Blonde", which is a fantastic movie. But, from that quote, I'm guessing all of you know what this post will be about: R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P-S.

Let's be honest, we do whine when we have a significant other AND we do whine when don't. There is no stopping it. Relationships will be good and bad, happy and sad, stressful and relieving. You can't just have Yin and not have Yang. The , "point I am trying to make is, you have to deal with the bad in order to get the good. If relationships were all easy, divorce rates would diminish, there would be no funny relationship Vines, and we'd all have someone by the age of 27.

Relationships are not perfect. But, before I get too deep into this, let me just tell you a few things that are on my mind.

1. People seem to tell me whenever I have a break up, "You have to love yourself before you love another" or "Take a break! What's the rush of having someone?" Ok. First off, if I didn't love myself, I wouldn't be trying for a relationship. BUT, I'll be honest, some men/women really need to follow this advice. A man/women you just meet will not replace the happiness you don't have. If you're unhappy with yourself or your lifestyle, don't just go on and hook up with the first person that says a wonderful opinion about you. You have to figure yourself out first before figuring out someone else.

2. "TAKE A BREAK":  I disagree with this, but there is a reason. After a break-up, I usually have that week or two where I'm relieved to be out of it (so far, I have been the one ending things). But, then I start feeling like maybe I should get back with that person, maybe I was too harsh, maybe we can work things out. But then, my brain says boisterously, "NO, you broke up with him for a reason!" For me, the way I move forward is finding someone else. It's weird, but that is how I am and that is PERFECTLY ok. Everyone is going to be different. You can either stay single for as long as you want or you can date. No judgement should ever be passed on you for that. It took me a while to actually feel this way, but it's the truth.

3. "I'm single because...":  I am so sick of seeing those posts about "why I'm not in a relationship" or "10 reasons why I am single". Just stop, you're making a fool out of mainly women who are single and don't feel that way. The reason why you're single is not because you aren't "social" or you find your "friends are your soul mates", it's because you're CHOOSING TO BE SINGLE. Women, come on, you ignore the guys that are trying to get with you because you're looking for a damn Hugh Jackman. I'm not going to lie, that's been me a few times, we all have preferences. But, let's not get superstar crazy. Stop looking for the guys who are going to spoil you with goodies or the ones who are completely infatuated with you and shower you with compliments. If you are looking, look for someone who will make you happy, who has some similar interests, who will make you laugh and smile even when they say something that isn't really funny. If you're adventurous, don't go for the guy who just likes sitting around and doesn't like to sweat in the sun. Just...sayin!

Continuing on...
One thing that goes through everyone's mind, and don't say you haven't thought about it, is "Should I go looking for him/her? Or should I wait for them to show up?" Coincidence or fate, looking or waiting: both are fine. If you are a go getter and you want to go and find the one, you go Glen Coco! You're awesome for having the courage to go talk to that cute guy at the bar or to that girl that all the guys want. Waiting is just as good. Maybe you're really tired of looking for "the one" and just decide to go with the flow. Whether you choose to wait or go looking, it's your choice. Like I continuously say in this post, EVERYONE is different.

Lastly, let's be honest, we all want the Jon Hamm or Dave Franco man in our life. And for men, the Scarlett Johansson or Anne Hathaway. But, realistically, there isn't a huge chance we'll get that lucky. But looks are not everything. Okay, before you attack me, I do look for a good looking fellow before I get to know them. But if their personality is a stinker, then I usually back off immediately. Looks cannot make up for a sleaze. Personality is always a winner for me. If you're funny, adventurous, can hold a conversation, LOVE coffee, and are an all around good person, come at me! Don't ever look at movies or disney princesses and compare your love life to that. It's unrealistic, although it's fun to think that maybe you'll meet an Aladdin or have a cheesy Notebook running-in-the-rain moment.

But this is my short post about what I think about for relationships. For me, I'm happy being single. I'm up for dating, but school and graduating are my number one priorities. Big tip for you ladies, if your man is doing all the work in the relationship and you cannot keep up with it: End It or Fix It. Relationships work both ways and it's unfair when one person is making all the effort and you're just a sitting duck. And that works for you men too! 
Hope everyone has a wonderful day! :)
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why do I have a blog?

It's a common question I've been asked from people I have told. But to clarify things, I don't have this blog for publicity. Publicity meaning: I don't have to this blog to get 100000+ views a day. This blog is here for me to let out all the things that I can't say in words. It helps me say what is on my mind, how I'm feeling, and it helps me relieve a ton of stress I am feeling from school.

I know I started this blog out to do fashion, and don't get me wrong, I am going to go back to that. But honestly, it's been a BIG "boulder off my shoulders" feeling to be able to write down everything that I have been holding in. I choose not to tell people about my blog because I don't want my friends knowing just yet. I did put my link on tumblr (for now), just to see if I can get some "randos" to come to my blog and see how they view my stories/posts. I love to hear feedback about what I write, if you'd like me to talk about a certain subject, or if you'd like to see any of my interests.

I know this post was kind of all over the place, but, I just thought I'd let it out why I have this blog. :)

Another post coming in a bit!
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Pre-Graduation Part #1

Hey all.

So,  since I have decided to make this blog more of a personal blog than a fashion blog (AS of now), I thought I'd do a ranting post. I'm graduating in less than 5 months and I feel like I've learned so much during the 5 years I've been in college. HERE COMES THE LIST:

1. Yes, I have been in college for 5 years, so what? When I first entered college, I was a Pre-Biology major. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but when my best friend mentioned she wanted to do Optometry, I latched on to that idea and decided that was what I was going to do. The beginner biology courses were pretty easy and I passed them. Chemistry and Physics were my hardest courses. Probably during the whole 3 years I was a Pre-Bio major, the only classes I enjoyed were Biology 1 and Art History (yes, I am big on art). It took going on probation, being dismissed from college, breaking the trust bond between my parents and me, and the threat that I would have to leave University for me to realize that I was not in the right major. During Summer 2012, my parents and I sat down and decided that the best choice for me was to go into marketing. Although I was pretty skeptical about it, I trusted my parents judgement over my failed one. Now, after a year of being in this major, I am very passionate about what I am learning. I have great relationships with a few of my professors/advisors/boss, I'm Vice President of Careers for an awesome group called American Marketing Association (and the crew is pretty bad ass), and I have an amazing job as a Marketing Assistant at the Recreation Center where I get to work on Photoshop/Illustrator and do advertising. If it wasn't for me switching to marketing, I wouldn't have started this blog! For those who think that being in college after 3-4 years is bad or switching majors very late in the game is not an option, DON'T FREAK OUT. There is no threat or problem with taking your time in finding out what you love. I'm not an advisor, so you don't have to take my word on any of this. However, coming from experience, figuring out what you're passionate about might take time.

2. Friendships come and go, as well as relationships. I've gone through so many close friends in the past 5 years, and most of them have faded away. I'm not one to try to keep friendships when I see that I'm the only one keeping contact. The friends I have in my life, however, are the best people I could ever have. They are understanding, not judgmental, easy to talk to, and pretty freaking awesome. The two friends that I can always count on are my roommates. I met Myra when I was a freshman (although we've "known" each other since 6th grade), and we've had SO many adventures together. Through all the arguments, indecisiveness, and disagreements, she has become the sister from another mister, the Oreo to my milk (even though she is lactose HAHA), my best friend that has stuck with me through every down/happy moment. My other roommate, Meisha, is also like my sister, but the one that could probably beat me up because she got those GAINS (muscles for those who don't understand my slang). I've known Meisha since 10th/11th grade, but I didn't really get to know her until my Junior year of Uni. Long story short, we bonded over a struggling moment in her life, and ever since then she's been the one who pushes me to stop being lazy, makes me eat healthy/workout, and gets me chocolate/food whenever I'm feeling stressed or upset. And the list could go on for both of them! They both have different, as well as similar, qualities that I need in my life. Without them, I probably would not have gone back to Uni after being dismissed two years ago. I have a handful of other friends as well that even though we don't talk everyday, I could easily meet up with them whenever and it will be like just yesterday that we met. My advice to anyone reading this, friends will leave you, stab you in the back, do the worst things to you. But throughout all that, you will learn who is REALLY true and who is fake. I won't go into relationships because this would be a book if I talked about that subject. I'll do another post about that tomorrow.

3. "Money, get away. Get a good job with more pay and you're O.K." That line is from the song Money by the amazing Pink Floyd. Money is always an issue, whether it is loans, it's hard earned pay from work, or even if your parents give you the cash. Budgeting has been one of the biggest struggles that I've ever gone through. I know it may sound silly, but before I entered Uni, I didn't know that you could use your debit card in stores. Haha, it's funny to me, but I honestly believe finding that out was the downfall of my bank account. Have you ever gone from a lot of money to $0 in your account? I have and it was one of the scariest moment I've ever experienced. I had a credit card bill to pay, an overdue balance for electricity, and had no food in the apartment to satisfy even the smallest craving. And I wasn't one for asking anyone for help, not even from my roommates. But over the past two years, I've realized that having money isn't everything. Yeah, it's nice to have it (once I've paid all my bills and everything), but it's not the end of the world if I don't have enough money to go have fun. Honestly, I'm happy when I am able to have tons of food in the apartment! Haha, yes I am a foodie! But also, I've learned to sternly budget myself to where I am rarely at the point of not having a single dime. If you haven't taught yourself how to budget properly, START. Later on you'll be on your own, and if you don't learn now, it's harder to get used to it, especially when you don't have other people helping you. I'm fortunate that my parents will always be there to help me, even though I hardly ever ask them for money...if possible.

4. Truly, I've always loved having agendas just because I've liked looking organized, when I really wasn't. After all the school bulls*** happened in Summer 2012, I took an oath that I'd stay on top of all my stuff. And it's a good thing I've changed my ways. I can't study in my room unless it's clean, my desk calendar/agenda is color coded with all my classes, appointments/meetings, and fun activities. Test dates are highlighted and really important events are in all CAPS. And it's also good that I am organized because it will help me get a job and I'll for sure be on top of everything there. Organization has also taught me to stop procrastinating. I have deadlines that I have to meet and if I don't meet them, I will be in huge trouble. I don't really have any explanation on why you should be organized. You can easily teach yourself to be, you just can't be lazy about it.

Those are just a few things I have learned from being in University. I will probably make another post tomorrow talking about more personal things that I have learned from the 5 years I've been semi-independent. But I hope this has helped anyone who is struggling in Uni or even about to go. You're not alone! :)

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