Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why everyone should have a good sense of humour

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One of my favorite shows on TV is GirlCode, which is a spinoff of GuyCode (but so much better). The reason why I like this show so much is because 99.9% of the time, the girls (and sometimes guys) are all spot on. And the awesome part about it is that they are all wonderfully sarcastic and everyone finds it humorous.

I think it is important for everyone to have a sense of humour. My "darker" side of humor is being sarcastically "mean" to where the person knows that I am joking but can be like "ha ha you're such a b***h, but I love you".  So, here's a list of reasons why you should have a good sense of humour:

Come on, be realistic. You know you laughed when you were little when your Uncle Bob said "got your nose!"...or you cried because you really thought he got your nose. Life is too short for you not to laugh at certain jokes. I understand that some of them may go too far, but most of the time I'm sure your friends and family don't take their jokes that seriously. One of my favourite TV shows when I was younger was Daria. She is dark, sarcastic and doesn't take s**t from anyone. She is the perfect example of why people should have a good sense of humour. Another good example is the spoof YouTube videos that Saturday Night Live, Buzzfeed, FunnyOrDie, and many other channel create. Those videos, most of the time, aren't meant to be taken seriously. Yet, hundreds of people feel the need to comment and say "this was completely unnecessary and not funny at all". I applaud you for using your "Freedom of Speech", but if you don't find it funny, keep your opinion to yourself, there is no need to spread hatred or bad opinions. The rest of us loved the video and would like to put a good review for the video.

Although there are only suspicions of this, some researchers have stated that laughing can help you live a longer, happier life. I would think happier because you are laughing, it would be a shame if it made you sadder. I read an article last year on called "Does Humor Make You Live Longer?" Studies showed that laughing helps reduct blood pressure, dull pain and even burns calories (maybe that's why I'm so skinny har har har). But really, just think about it. Some of the greatest comedians in the world live a long life Take for example the amazing Bill Cosby (bless him for being so funny). Bill Cosby is 77 years old, yet he makes an effort to go to many functions and events. Comedians live longer because they seem to enjoy life more. They know that if they took life too seriously they would be working an office job that meant nothing to them. I'm not saying if you're funny drop everything and go become a comedian, that's a hard business to please. But make sure that whatever you're doing in life it isn't sucking the fun or "funny" out of you.

Don't tell me you've never read an article on Buzzfeed or Reddit. Or watched a YouTube video from FunnyOrDie. These magnificent businesses came about because people believed that great humour should only be shared. I will say, not all the articles and videos posted to these sites are humorous, but most of them are able to crack me up. I mean, watch this Buzzfeed video and tell me you didn't laugh:

So really, the point of this post was to tell you: LAUGH A LITTLE. You may feel bad for laughing at some jokes, but in the end you'll get over it. I don't think comedians like Bill Maher or Jon Stewart would have gotten very far if they had said "oh, well, I shouldn't make jokes at this because it could hurt someone's feelings". So laugh a little, joke around, post a funny video. It's your life, LIVE IT.

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